mercoledì 8 giugno 2011

My beautiful,different summer 2011!!!!!! by benedetta =D

31th of May….This year has passed too fast!! It seems yesterday that I was in september,wearing shorts,ready to start my third year of high school…and now,blinking my eyes,I am 10 days before the end of the school!!!
These months have been fast,full,stressing…but also beautiful,funny,important….The 10th of June, school will officially finish,and we can say goodbye to all these things!
Writing this,I feel a little sad,and very much excited and curious,insecure,stunned,ready to take my life as it comes!
In fact,this summer will be the most important, a different summer from the rest. The 29th of June,an airplane that will leave from Rome will take me to….Thailand!!!!
I will leave my lovely Italy for a really different,smiling,eastern world,where people love Buddha and the king,and eat rice everyday. A place where climat is always hot and solar ( except for the monsoons!! xD),to reflect the character of thailand people,it’s the place of my “always summer”!
So,this year I will have not one summer,but two,really different eachother!!!
My dear italian summer,will be really short!! But I will try to make it very full!My projects  are to go to the beach everyday,morning and afternoon,to go in the sea a lot, at midnight too! To go out everyday and every night,to  dance,to take many,many pictures,to eat lots of pizzas and ice creams,to have lots of fun with all my friends,to live it without any thoughts!!!!!!!! I love my little, beautiful Italy,and I want to enjoy to it the full,with her inperfection,with her magic sea,with my adored food,with the most important people of my life !!!
My thailand summer,on the contrary,will be much more different,and probably,difficult!  I can’t nor imagine that aspect me,and as the fantastic volunteers of AFS say,I mustn’t have any expectations. But anyway, I hope to learn thai language very well, I hope to tan….. And when I will be there,I will tell you about the other things!!! =D
I’m so excited,but in the meantime I don’t realize it yet!
So…for sure,I will miss my italian summer! The summer that has always taken a part of my life from 17 years ago until now,the summer on the beach,at my friends’ house,or wherever there is a beautiful company ,the summer always spent in amazing,boring,wonderful,happy moments,the summer with the typical Californian tv series watched on the sofa,the summer with the ice creams,the solar creams,the travels,the summer friends,the outputs at night without returning home,the beach volley, and still the beautiful boys,the kiosk,the karaoke,the summer with the swimming costumes during the day and with short dresses during the night, the summer with the mountains of homework to do that nobody does, the summer that always seems too long and too short,the summer that we never want to stop!!! But…... I will be in Thailand!! It’s my big dream,and I’m going to realize it! It is not an attempt to escape, I love my life here,in this place,with these people… But it’s the desire to know,to know and to live something very different! There will be very bad and very beautiful moments,but although I can have 1000 reasons to renounce, I will always have a one more reason to go forward ! So, probably I will lose my whole summer here,my usual fun, and I will not stay in the same  big,my grandparents’ home at the beach with all my relatives,my big family in which everyone makes the affairs of other…but I will live the most important experience of my life! I don’t know if I will be able to do it ,but this attempt is already a big thing….
So,these are all my projects, and I don’t know if I will realize them or not…..but I accept everything,it will be anyway a big experience,my big experience! But now,it’s really late and I must go to school,to face my last days ! I have lots of interrogations….wish me good luck! =)
P.S. I will send a postcard to everyone! =D

lunedì 30 maggio 2011

My summer 2011 !!!!

Finally the summer is coming  =) the season that I have waited for all year has arrived and I can finally leave my books and the school to spend all my day at the beach. I love summer because I don' t have times and I can stay out all night with my friend and come home late. The morning I can sleep until late and after go to the beach with my friends or my boyfriend.

  I usually pass my summer in Cardedu  because I have a house next to the beach, I like staying there because there lives my best friends Barbara  and Federica and only for the summer Benny who stays in a home next to mine. Rossana, Francesca and Angelica too come to the same beach with me. Usually we stay on the beach all the day and at night we go to a pizzeria and after we go to a bar or to dance =)but this summer will be different because two of my best friend leave.
Benny will go to Thailand and she will stay there for a year... for this I'm sorry because usually I pass all my summer with her. Rossana  will go to Irland but only for a month .
I think that this summer I will work to pass my time. I like working because I can know a lot of people and stay in company and with the money I can buy a lot of clothes and shoes. but i will work in a bar on the beach because I hate indoors and I prefer work  seeing the sea and the sun. 

And the best is that  I can work with my friends. because I  already know the people that will work with me and i went out with them all year.Additionaly I want to go on a trip with my boyfriend but I think that my parents will not let me ...I want to go to Spain or to France but my dream is go to Egypt. I love Egypt but in summer I think that it is too hot and it is better to stay on the beach next to the sea. I think that I will go in September because the prices are cheaper than in June. Additionaly  if I'm able to gain a lot of money I think I will go to Thailand to see Benny ... but this is more impossible than possible...

martedì 24 maggio 2011

weakness of communication!!

Nowadays,there are lots of ways to communicate,and all the people,mainly guys,spend a lot of time communicating with eachother,through computer and mobile. When my granny was young,it seems that people have less to say to eachother ; or probably,it's us that have got a lot to say . But what difference is there between the communication of some years ago and the communication of today??
I think our tools to communicate  are able to make us talk with friends,but in the same time they aren’t really able to make us communicate…..There is a difference between the two things!
 But with these new types of technology,we don’t perceive that the communication is only virtual. The virtual communication has lots of negative aspects,like the time spent doing it,that seems to pass always too quickly,but in particular it makes us say things that in the normal face-to-face communicaton we would not say. Infact,for example,in the chatroom we don’t see the person who is talking with us,so we feel more sure of ourselves and less shy. I think it’s a bad thing because in this way people don’t really meet eachother,for what they are,but for what they aren’t. Also,when two people haven’t ever seen eachother,but they meet eachother in the chatroom,it can be that one of them is completely different from who he says to be,in the physical aspect too. He may also be a bad person,and we can’t know it!
But the worst thing of all,is that these new communications tools are made to make us communicate,but in the same time we are losing the real communication,the normal face-to-face communication among friends,and sometimes between parents and children too. Actually, it’s really the real communication that we must preserve, and evolve too. The speech is the thing that differentiates people from animals,it’s the base of our society,and of the global society in which we live! So,when we have nothing to do,instead of surf the net,we can have a real chat with people that are around of us,it can be interesting and funny too!

venerdì 20 maggio 2011

the power of communication

 communication in this age is very important and widespread especially among teenagers that can' t live without  their mobile phones or their computers. But if the communication is important to take actively part of  social life and to make contact with other people, there are positive and negative aspects of communication.

The tools of communication:
the most diffused tools to communicate are mobile phones and  e-mails . These are very used among teenagers but now these are diffused among people of every age. Often the use of internet and mobiles is used to stay in contact with relatives or to remeet old friends. Other tools of communication are newspapers and letters. Now they aren' t very diffused because the news doesn' t arrive as quickly as the e-mail.

Positive aspects are:

  • to be informed about what's happening  in our society and in our country, so to live actively;
  • to stay in contact with  friends or relatives  that  aren't in the same city or country too;
  • to meet new people, thanks to internet a lot of  people meet friends;
  • to study or to do researchs about everything.
Negative aspects are:
  •  we can meet a lot of maniacs and perverts;
  • someone can take your  photos and use them for bad purposes, an example is facebook when everybody can save your photos and reuse them.

martedì 10 maggio 2011

royal wedding !!!!

Hi guys today I want to talk about the beautiful wedding of the century. The royal wedding between prince William and Miss Kate was on the 29th of april 2011 and we can say that everybody saw this important event.the ceremony was the ancient tradition that I love very much...but I don't want to talk about the ceremony but I want to talk first about the thing that I didn' t like. One was Kate' s dress ...I loved that dress but I thought that the princess dress must be more rich and beautiful... I think that it was a normal bride's dress without exageration and maybe it was Kate that chose to give an image of her as a normal girl and not as a new princess. I think that it was a good thing but if I were Kate i would have wanted to do more.

An other thing that I didn' t like was the church's equipage... I think that it was too poor even if the church without flowers was however beautiful.
the other I think that was perfect, a very royal wedding, a dream that became reality...I think that every girl wanted a wedding as this... was spetacular from the begining to the end when the prince and the new princess stay on the balcony in front of their people. I think that this wedding gives to the throne an image of youth and I think kate will be a fantastic princess and I hope a fantastic queen too...

venerdì 6 maggio 2011

The favolous Royal Wedding!!!!!

This month,there has been one of the event of the year: the favolous Royal Wedding in England!!!!!
The spouses,prince William and Kate Middleton,have had,as everyone says,a fairytale wedding,with coach,flowers,and the cameras of journalists from all over the world!!!
Infact,the event has been shooten and broadcast in all the countries,not only in Europe but really in all over the world!
There has been lots of comment about it,positive….but also negative. The italian journalists have contested clothes,bride,ways and the whole ceremony…but I am not agree with them!!!
It has sayd that the wedding was not for love,but for affairs wanted by the Kate’s parents. How is it possible??? I don’t believe to these malices!
For sure,the idea of “marriage as in the fairy tales” is relative…we try to imagine this event as the marriage that we ( mainly the girls!!) have always wanted,with the prince,2000 inviteds,and a crown,and probably it can be an exaggeration due to our fantasy…but I think that a marriage really for love is always beautiful,and if there are also the prince of our dreams,everything is better! ;-)
So, I admire Kate, I think she is a courageous and a strong girl,not to have married a prince,but mainly to have challenge the journalists and the thought of people,to have revolutionized the traditions of the Royal Palace,to have realized her dream,and to have did dreamed all the women!
About William….he is so cute!! =)
The video above is the parody of the ceremony,I think it's really amazing!!! =D Watch it!!!

domenica 24 aprile 2011

My school trip in Madrid !!!! by Francesca

How I can describe this wonderful city ? It' s impossible to say what it feels like when you see Madrid. I thought I would find a city only of funn but I was wrong !!!! I found a beautiful, big and particular city. At the first similar to Italy but after it was completly different.A city with two different faces:
The first one Madrid by day. A rich city of art and monuments, that give me an immage of a cultural city with an important history and hard identity culture of the people.People that love their King and they are happy to take part of the spanish population that considers it's tradition very important that someone can't  give up. I love Spain for a country like Italy that doesn' t have an identity culture and the people aren' t friends but enemies. Seeing Spain  where everything seems a part of the same family  makes me think .I  think that the King gives an important help to keep Spain united to preserve traditions. Spain gives the immage of a country nice and doesn' t suffer like Italy. 
The second face, the most caracteristic of Madrid, is the city at night. Madrid is better at night, with her colors, her sounds,her passion, and her flavours. With her particular social life where people live 24h. Everyone of everyage goes out to dance or stay in one of milion cafes that you can find in Madrid. But not only this made me fall in love with Madrid. I love Madrid for his people, for their open minds and their way of living. They the spirit of young people.they love being happy and live life without thinking too much about the problems of life.They are nice, sociable and kind too.
For this and others motives i think when you stay in Madrid you think you are at home. I stayed in Madrid 5 beautiful days when even if I was tired and I wanted to sleep I had the possibility to see Madrid in a lot of their different sides. To talk about this experience we must retourn to the first day. The day of leaving.

The first day I was excited I prepared my suitcose and I saw that everything was perfect.I was really excited about the idea that I will go in Spain with my classmates !!!! It was the first time for me ...I can' t stop to do everything I was too happy. i had waited for that moment for a long time. I passed the journey to Algheroreally anxious. I  didn' t know what to expect. When I arrived in Madrid, at first, I was disappointed beacause I saw Italy in Madrid. But soon the disappointement was replaced by ancizement. I can say that I really saw Madrid only the second day
In the morning I saw "plaza Mayor" and the "  ermida de Sant Antonio de la Florida". In the afternoon i saw the fantastic station of Atocha with it's tropical garden and it's turtles. After I saw one of the most important museums of Madrid : The " reina Sofia". I don' t like very much this museum because I don' t like the contemporaney art but  I like only a picture thet I studied at school: "Guernica", created by Pablo Picasso. When I saw it I was without words. seeing this in flesh was an emotion that I can' t describe. Seeing this made me feel like, I was captured by the beauty. In one moment I saw the story of this picture. the violence of the colors and lines talk about the tragic moment . 
The day after I went to Thyssen museum and thanks to Lanza i saw every picture with their rispective hirtory. After I saw a lot of monuments like "plaza de Cibeles" , "plaza de Isabel" but the most beuatiful place that I saw was "palacio real". Saying that it was beautiful doesn' t show it' s beauty .He was perfect in every little way. I was enchanted . I thought at the dame of cort or the prince and the King that passed their days in that " castle". A place when the ancienne live isn' t stop. 
On friday i saw the academy of san Fernando and the "Prado" museum. But I was so tired  that I hate the Prado with every part of my body .. only joking !!! But if it was beautiful I prefered yhe Tyssen museum. 
The last day I saw "plaza de Espana" and after we left. No one  wanted to go. the weather too was sad. I didn' t want to leave Madrid  because I loved that city. but I had to came home. On the plane every one was sad and when we where in the air we saw with nostalgia Madrid.
I like very much this  journey and even if I' m happy to be at home i waited the next school trip!!!
