lunedì 7 febbraio 2011

"Speak": woof and basic themes

"Speak" (Kristen Stewart, Michal Argarano,Robert Jhon Burke, Hallee Hirsh) is a film about an innocent girl (thirteen, fourteen) that in her adolescence has been raped by an older boy. Their names are Melinda Sordino and Andy Evans, but you can find many other characters, like Mr Neck, with is big pleasantness, Mr Freeman, the bad history teacher, Melinda' s parents and Melinda' s friends. Unfortunately, there are two types of these:
the friends that abbandoned her because she spied on them, and her new friends , like Dave and Heather.
there is also " Hair Woman" that seems to follow melinda in her way to the conquest of the violence of woman is really frequent, of every type.

The woman's figure has always been difficult; since the period of Ancient Greece, the woman can't vote, like slaves.
Nowadays, even if the woman can vote,she isn't really free, especially in some countries. So, the man permits himself to abuse her.
This film represents this injustice, with all the problems that it brings.
Melinda suffers , she doesn't have a lot of relationships with others, and if she can' t tell her violence, she doesn' t speak with no one.

Melinda is, like many other woman before and after her, a victim of this big violence of the society, and during the film she will succeed to return to her normal life, before the terrible day, before the terrible distruction of her happyness and her dreams.

2 commenti:

  1. I think that women must have the same rights of the men and nowdays in the society there aren't a lot of differents between men and women like in past; this is very important!! I hope that in the futur these differents will be definitely deleted!!

  2. This film shows the sufferings of a young girl who got raped and isolated from her family and her friends.. I think we should all learn from this film to become better people.
