lunedì 14 febbraio 2011

Hello guys!!!!

Hello guys!!!!!We are Francy and Benny, two girls with a lot of interests !!
We like reading and writing, we love to dance and to go to the gym, and sometimes we play tennis, too.
Now, this is Benny speaking. About Francy......Francy loves to do modern dancing,if you see her dance you can only think " WOW!!!".
On the contrary,I danced when I was younger,and now I do it only in our wild parties!!!!So,I'm not so good!!
I like sports,but I'm very lazy,so this year I go to the gym with my friends and we have fun....!!Our prospects are to become very muscular and very beautiful!!!!No,I'm joking =)

 In the free time we watch tv , we listen to music and we surf  the net!!!We listen to all types of music but mainly, we love GREEN DAY. Green Day is a punkmusic group, that made 8 very popular albums, that we love!!!!!!!! They make the most beautiful music in the world, and we adore it!!!We have grown with them because of our brothers and sisters, that always listen to them,and so they've given this passion to us......!!

Our favourite television programmes  are telefilms and adventures or passionate films, like "Twilight" or "Harry Potter". These are also our favourite books!We love fantasy books,like "The chronicles of Narnia" or " the infinite story",or the classic books of literature,like "Wuthering heights" or "Dorian Gray"!!

 When we surf  the net,  our " destination" is in particular facebook, the most famous social network among the guys of all over the world!!!!
It is a little dangerous because we spend a lot of time,also when we have to do homework!!!!!But this is the thing that I do,because Francesca is more studious than me,and everybody knows it,it isn't a secret!!!

 About school, our school is really "high"...... we have a lot to study, in particular languages, but we love them!!!!english, french, spanish, italian and .... latin (can we consider it as a language?? =)). 

So,our free time isn' t really much, but at the weekend we have much fun with our friends,the really populars WHITE JACKETS!!!!!! we have sleepovers or we go out for a pizza........or sometimes we go to dancing!!!!!

Another important thing to say,is that we love travelling a lot!!!!But mainly I do!!!
One of my dreams has come leave for one year abroad with AFS!!!!!Destination?? THAILANDDDDDD!!!! <3 <3 <3 
It can seem a little bold as a choice,and I can seem a little crazy too,but my dream is really that:
 to meet really different cultures from ours,to appreciate it and to meet a lot of people from all over the world!!!These are my prospectives for the future,and at the moment I'm on the right path!!!!!

hiiii guys =) Now it is francy talking =)  Benny and I are two very different girls... I love dancing a lot everywhere and everyday ... it is one of the best things of my life is my passions and my love. when i dance i can' t stop  my body . I need to dance because I free my head and my spirit. With the dance I meet a lot of friends , my best friend too. With her I have a particular ralationship and it is thanks to the dance. 
I love listening to music too and obviously my favourite punkmusic group is GREEN DAY !! Their music is the best in the world, no one is like them !!! I like rock but house music too... they are very different but each day I listen to different types of music ... I think that everybody lives a moment in which he must listen to rock or house or depressed music too...=)
I love  reading very much but i don' t have a lot of free time!!! I can' t see so much the tv because i have much to study =( I prefer surfing the net or chatting with my friends or my boyfriend too !!!I love travelling like benny and one day we will visit every places in the world !!! I want to go in every city and know  different cultures !!! my dream is that ... i don' t want a stable house ... the world must be my house =)
i love staying with the people,we are similar in this,we are always happy and we love going out and going shopping =) we like to go to the cinema too and we love vampire films and we love films!!! We are crazy for the twilight saga =) it's fantastic, lovely and it's the dream of every girls=)
I love cooking too but if you want a tip DON' T EAT the food cooked by benny =) it isn' t good =) i'm joking !!! we are two friends crazy in different ways  but we love that =)

Finally, we are two girls very funny and nice,interesting too, and we hope that you appreciate our blog!!!!!!!!  
                                                    good reading guys!!!!!!!! =)

                                                                                                                                                                         Benny  and Francy=)=)

lunedì 7 febbraio 2011

"Speak": woof and basic themes

"Speak" (Kristen Stewart, Michal Argarano,Robert Jhon Burke, Hallee Hirsh) is a film about an innocent girl (thirteen, fourteen) that in her adolescence has been raped by an older boy. Their names are Melinda Sordino and Andy Evans, but you can find many other characters, like Mr Neck, with is big pleasantness, Mr Freeman, the bad history teacher, Melinda' s parents and Melinda' s friends. Unfortunately, there are two types of these:
the friends that abbandoned her because she spied on them, and her new friends , like Dave and Heather.
there is also " Hair Woman" that seems to follow melinda in her way to the conquest of the violence of woman is really frequent, of every type.

The woman's figure has always been difficult; since the period of Ancient Greece, the woman can't vote, like slaves.
Nowadays, even if the woman can vote,she isn't really free, especially in some countries. So, the man permits himself to abuse her.
This film represents this injustice, with all the problems that it brings.
Melinda suffers , she doesn't have a lot of relationships with others, and if she can' t tell her violence, she doesn' t speak with no one.

Melinda is, like many other woman before and after her, a victim of this big violence of the society, and during the film she will succeed to return to her normal life, before the terrible day, before the terrible distruction of her happyness and her dreams.