domenica 24 aprile 2011

My school trip in Madrid !!!! by Francesca

How I can describe this wonderful city ? It' s impossible to say what it feels like when you see Madrid. I thought I would find a city only of funn but I was wrong !!!! I found a beautiful, big and particular city. At the first similar to Italy but after it was completly different.A city with two different faces:
The first one Madrid by day. A rich city of art and monuments, that give me an immage of a cultural city with an important history and hard identity culture of the people.People that love their King and they are happy to take part of the spanish population that considers it's tradition very important that someone can't  give up. I love Spain for a country like Italy that doesn' t have an identity culture and the people aren' t friends but enemies. Seeing Spain  where everything seems a part of the same family  makes me think .I  think that the King gives an important help to keep Spain united to preserve traditions. Spain gives the immage of a country nice and doesn' t suffer like Italy. 
The second face, the most caracteristic of Madrid, is the city at night. Madrid is better at night, with her colors, her sounds,her passion, and her flavours. With her particular social life where people live 24h. Everyone of everyage goes out to dance or stay in one of milion cafes that you can find in Madrid. But not only this made me fall in love with Madrid. I love Madrid for his people, for their open minds and their way of living. They the spirit of young people.they love being happy and live life without thinking too much about the problems of life.They are nice, sociable and kind too.
For this and others motives i think when you stay in Madrid you think you are at home. I stayed in Madrid 5 beautiful days when even if I was tired and I wanted to sleep I had the possibility to see Madrid in a lot of their different sides. To talk about this experience we must retourn to the first day. The day of leaving.

The first day I was excited I prepared my suitcose and I saw that everything was perfect.I was really excited about the idea that I will go in Spain with my classmates !!!! It was the first time for me ...I can' t stop to do everything I was too happy. i had waited for that moment for a long time. I passed the journey to Algheroreally anxious. I  didn' t know what to expect. When I arrived in Madrid, at first, I was disappointed beacause I saw Italy in Madrid. But soon the disappointement was replaced by ancizement. I can say that I really saw Madrid only the second day
In the morning I saw "plaza Mayor" and the "  ermida de Sant Antonio de la Florida". In the afternoon i saw the fantastic station of Atocha with it's tropical garden and it's turtles. After I saw one of the most important museums of Madrid : The " reina Sofia". I don' t like very much this museum because I don' t like the contemporaney art but  I like only a picture thet I studied at school: "Guernica", created by Pablo Picasso. When I saw it I was without words. seeing this in flesh was an emotion that I can' t describe. Seeing this made me feel like, I was captured by the beauty. In one moment I saw the story of this picture. the violence of the colors and lines talk about the tragic moment . 
The day after I went to Thyssen museum and thanks to Lanza i saw every picture with their rispective hirtory. After I saw a lot of monuments like "plaza de Cibeles" , "plaza de Isabel" but the most beuatiful place that I saw was "palacio real". Saying that it was beautiful doesn' t show it' s beauty .He was perfect in every little way. I was enchanted . I thought at the dame of cort or the prince and the King that passed their days in that " castle". A place when the ancienne live isn' t stop. 
On friday i saw the academy of san Fernando and the "Prado" museum. But I was so tired  that I hate the Prado with every part of my body .. only joking !!! But if it was beautiful I prefered yhe Tyssen museum. 
The last day I saw "plaza de Espana" and after we left. No one  wanted to go. the weather too was sad. I didn' t want to leave Madrid  because I loved that city. but I had to came home. On the plane every one was sad and when we where in the air we saw with nostalgia Madrid.
I like very much this  journey and even if I' m happy to be at home i waited the next school trip!!!


martedì 12 aprile 2011

SCHOOL TRIP TO MADRID!!!!!!! by Benedetta

Last month,my class and I went to Madrid, ( the mythical capital of Spain!) was absolutely fantastic!

 Madrid is a very big city,
solar calm,historical....nice! 
It's a city dominated from art and from the popular "movida",the typical spanish night life,it's the city where you can eat the paella or where you can take a picture with the Guernica,it's the city where it's really simple to move,day or night,but mainly,it's the city where I stayed with my class,and where all together we spent some wonderful days!!!!!

Well,we stayed in Madrid for 5 days,from the 29th of March to the 2nd on April...the weather was perfect,sunny and sometimes a little hot. Spanish people are very kind and friendly,and spanish food is really good. Paella,sangria,tortillas....I loved them! We stayed in a hotel in the centre of the city,very big,beautiful,and ancient too. Everyday we visited museums,squares,the HARD ROCK CAFFE,but also we went shopping,we walked a lot,we took many pictures,we sang everywhere,we did many "madnesses"! But mainly,we had a lot of fun!!! The worst thing was the return home....Nobody wanted it!!! How can I describe my whole trip,in this little space??? I will try to tell you....START!!!


Tuesday,precisely! At 14:30 we gathered in Jerzu to catch the bus,that brought us to the airport of Alghero. The flight was at 9:00 p.m.,and my classmates were very excited,because for some of them,that was the first flight in their whole life! We arrived 
in Madrid around midnight,we went to the hotel,and after some hours spent all together,we went to bed very tired!

The other days were very full and beautiful...the things that I liked most of all,were the squares! We went to "Plaza de Espana","Plaza Mayor", "Plaza de Cibeles","Puerta del Sol".....and all of them were very massive and beautiful!

In some squares there were also some statues,dedicated to important people,like Garcia Lorca,or some fountains,like that dedicated to a queen of the family of Borbone.

On the contrary,the things that we hated very much were the museums! The Prado,Reina Sofia and the Thyssen Bornemisza,the most important,were too big and boring! There were beautiful,for sure,but too,TOO BIG!!!
In particular the Prado : I've never seen a so big museum in my whole life! At the end of the visit,I was the most tired person in the world!!!

Fortunately,we had very much fun at night: we walked in the roads of Madrid,we saw the flamenco,the street artists,but mainly,we met people and we talked with them (in spanish,with a special thank to the teacher Riccio =) ).

During these 5 days,we ate all types of food! Spanish (it's normal),but also Chinese,Turkish and.... italian! We are intercultural guys,and I loved all the things that we ate...except the spanish pizza =) !
But unfortunately,we didn't eat the famous "churros"...

Everyday,we went shopping too,and infact,to put the things in the switcase there was a problem!
I bought lots of things,clothes and souvenirs for my family,in the museums and in the Royal Palace too.

Ah! An other thing that we visited was the station of Atocha....this station is important for the "tropical forest" that there is inside it: there were the turtles too! 

Finally,this trip was beautiful and unforgettable,probably for the beauty of the city,probably for the good weather,or simply for the presence of my classmates,but I will remember it forever!


-the  breakfasts!!! We like our croissant in the morning,the orange juice,and the……oh no,we dislike spanish coffee!
-We loved sleeping with our best friends,payng our clothes, making-up together…..
-our hotel…..We liked it!!
-the absence of our parents…..!!! =) =) asbolutely freedom!!

-          --         - The spanish coffee!!!
-        -  The return home (already sayd?? =D )
-        -  The Enrico’s songs,during all the journey and during all,all the days!!!!!!
                                                               Benedetta!!! =)