martedì 22 marzo 2011

Nobel peace prize ( 1999-2000)

Nobel peace prize ( 1999-2000)
The Nobel is an important prize, given in Oslo to people that made something of important for the peace in the world.

In 1999 the Nobel peace prize was given to Doctors Without Borders, an international company that help people that live without any medical assistance. It was erected in 1971 by french doctors, and now it is active in 19 countries and it  helps 80 countries.
This company received the Nobel peace prize because it helped and helps all the people victims of  human or natural damage,  without any differences among the different states. Additionally, this company gives a moral help with a human image and witness, not only a brave help but a sacrifice spirit of the people that take part in this company .So,doctors without frontiers make a memorable example of peace.

In 2000 a man,Kim Dae-Jung,the south Korea president in 1998-2003, received the nobel peace prize. He was a supporter of democracy in his country in years '50. He escaped a lot of outrages, he was elected member of national assembly. He was arrested many times and he was convicted to died but he saved and escaped in USA . After his return in Korea, he became president. He helped his country with a liberal economy and  he brought his country together. He received the nobel peace prize because he looked for restablished democracy in his country and to lokeed for peace between two part of Korea. 

martedì 8 marzo 2011

How can we save our world ???

How can we save our world?? 
Our world is in danger and we must do something, there are a lot methods to save the world: one of these is hydrogen car.
There are new cars that use hydrogen fuel and not petrol: this is a big advantage to respect the environment.The power plants of such vehicles convert the chemical energy of hydrogen to mechanical energy either by burning hydrogen in aninternal combustion engine, or by reacting hydrogen with oxygen in a fuel cell to run electric motors. Hydrogen isn' t in the world in pure form so it isn't an energy source but it is an energy carrier, it is bound in water and in other compounds. So to have hydrogen we can produce it with eletrolysis.
Many companies are working to develop technologies that might efficiently exploit the potential of hydrogen energy for mobile uses. The attraction of using hydrogen as an energy currency is that, if hydrogen is prepared without using fossil fuel inputs, vehicle propulsion would not contribute to carbon dioxide emissions. The drawbacks of hydrogen use are low energy content per unit volume, high tankage weights, very 
high storage vessel pressures, the storage, transportation and filling of gaseous or liquid hydrogen in vehicles, the large investment in infrastructure that would be required to fuel vehicles, and the inefficiency of production processes. This doesn' t produce damage to the environment because using hydrogen car means there is a liberation of water vapor. And there is not use of limited resources of the world. This a new car generation because it is the end of urban smog and a rebirth of the image of vehicles. These cars are already on sale but there is low information because the sale of this car can bring disadvantages to car-makers.

But There are many other different ways to save environment . In his story man has always exploited the nature; until now,with the dangerous problem of the nuclear power stations in Japan.

What do you think about nucler power stations ??Nowadays the italian government has proposed the new installazion of them,but it seems that italian people are not really agree. Some politicians adfirm that the new stations are really more safe of japan ones. But are we really sure about it?? I think nuclear stations will never be safe . There will always be some problems connected with the stations, without including that the nuclear waste are very dangerous and mortal for man and nature,and are not dumping.

Also,uranium will finish
 in 30 years,and
 later man will have to find an other
 way to produce energy,but with the nuclear waste to dump. But the worst thing of all,it’s that the probable place to the installazion would be Sardinia,my earth,the most beautiful place in Italy and one of the most wonderful place of the world. So,why may we build these structures of mass distruction ??

Man has better to find other resources for the energy production,like for example the renowable resources.Sun,wind,wather,earth….unlimited and don’t polluting. All the world could exploit this type of energy,the poor countries too, without the need to import and export raw material,with the double of costs . But mainly,only in this way we can hope in a clean world,without pollution and without the fear of apocalypse. 2012 is very next!

All the countries in the world have better to sensitize people,proposing some  sustainable projects,like some days of no-using cars or other gas transports. At their place,pleople may use only bicycles; it would be a pretty sight to see,for sure!

Finally,all the people in the world
 would be careful to don’t squander
 energy,in the 
houses or in the offices,always making sure to turn off lights and to close water. Or,to do something of more concrete,we have better to recycle,and to do waste sorting,separating waste into different elements,to do the waste management. Each one in his own small way can do something,which added to those of all the people can do the difference. So,all together we must contribute to save environment,with little or big things,but important for ourselves, for our children and for the new generations.